Now I know why people are always afraid to go to the dentist. The light shining above your face, the doctor staring right into your mouth with all his gadgets...
Wisdom tooth extraction is not meant for the faint-hearted. Unless of course, you go under GA and get completely knocked out. If not, you'll hear the dentist saying things like "Get the drill ready", "This is going to hurt", "I've slit your gum, cut the bone now I'm gonna drill to split your tooth..." and not to forget the sound of the drill blaring at your ears. Also you won't need to see the doc and his nurse twiddling thumbs and tapping feet (ok, so they didn't exactly do that but you could see they were just waiting around...) while waiting for the anaesthesia to numb up my mouth.
I chose to have local anaesthesia since it was cheaper and faster so yes, the above was speaking from experience. Luckily I still have high threshold for pain and not easily scared of needles and drills so I managed to pull through. It did really hurt when he injected my palette, but the good thing about my doc is that he tells you what he's about to do and what you'll feel so you can sorta expect the pain coming.
I had my left wisdom tooth extracted (surgically removed yo!) as it was horizontal and came out of the gum halfway. There was a gap between that tooth and the one before it so if food got stuck in it, there'd be an infection. It took 3 dentists (excluding the one who actually did it) to tell me to remove it. Haha. My doc did tell me to remove the one above it too since it doesn't really have a partner to grip and ends up biting my cheek instead. That was the one where I had to numb up the palette too. It was fairly easy to pull that out although the skinny doc looked as though he was doing kung fu with my tooth. I must say, Dr Syed Nabil was good. If I need another tooth extracted I'd go look for him again.
The anaesthesia was wearing off, I changed multiple gauzes since they were soiled with blood quickly and because I had to wait for my dad who also had some other dental appointment (which took foreverrrr), I was getting cranky by the minute. When I went to the washroom to change my gauze for the first time, they had only 3 sinks and all three were occupied by an amoi each who were adjusting their hair! (think they were the dental faculty students) I wanted to bitchslap all three as I was in pain and my mouth was covered in blood, but apparently their hair was more important. Part of me wanted to take a photo since it was an unbelievable situation (to me at least). But in the end I just stared at one of the girl till she realised I had more important things to do than fixing the hair. The second time around, this old aunty started talking to me. I was like "Uh-uh, yea, uh-huh..." in my head I was going "Dammit aunty, can't you see I'm gargling and blood is coming out???"
Yes, I was getting really cranky. I got home, grabbed the icepack (which smelt like fish) and sulked in bed, Whatsapping Bob and Alia who had their wisdom tooth extracted too. When I felt slightly better I went to get a plate of porridge (yes, deep plate not bowl) that my mom made for me. I had to water it down with soup as I couldn't really eat and could only swallow it. I soon fell asleep and woke up to pray. I realised I drooled some blood-mixed saliva onto my pillow. Sigh. Bob told me he did that too. Haha.
Now I'm feeling slightly better, it's still bleeding but lesser than before. I can eat slightly more but it's still hard to just chew one side. I'm trying to see the brighter side of the world, if it's difficult to eat, then maybe I can shed some weight! (Yeah sure...)
Well I think that's enough disgusting details for now. Have you had your wisdom tooth taken out? If no, I hope you don't have to :)