Saturday 11 May 2013

New Year, New Design, New Location

Happy New Year! (Ok I'm five months too late).
Of course I couldn't possibly recap everything that has happened in the past few months in this one post (mostly coz I can't remember much anyway), so I'll just type out highlights that come to my mind. and oh! I found a new blogspot template (courtesy of "The Cutest Blog on the Block") and I'm quite happy with it :)
January 2013
Beginning of a new year (d'uh). Also did my Advanced Open Water Diver license in Mabul. Gorgeous place, great experience. Will go back soon.
February 2013
Chinese New Year! The bf came back (albeit for only two weeks). I think I went offshore sometime this month.
March 2013
My mom's birthday! I also went to Mauritius to dive visit my sister (and of course since I'm there I might as well just go diving no?) - a lovely place for a break from work. This was where I got tanned. Really tanned.
April 2013
Moved to east coast to work and hopefully expand my (zero) knowledge on construction. Lived in Awana Kijal for a month. Not a very exciting experience.
and here I am. Of course, there's more to what happened than the above. As I recall, I shall blog. Also, from now on I'd mostly talk about my life here in Kemaman, Terengganu. Working at a site doesn't really call for high-street fashion (or any fashion for that matter), so fashion-related posts will decrease and anger-venting posts would most likely appear more often :p
Here's to a new year, new design at a new location!  :D