Sunday, 2 February 2014

Cold Feet: 25 days and counting...!

No, not time to get married yet.. that's not like till another 77 days! (Doesn't mean I'm not just as nervous though)

But for now I have something else to be nervous at - my Rescue Diver course! So I decided to do something crazy just 2-months before my wedding, which is to do my Rescue Diver license. I'll be doing it in Koh Lipe with Keira, or well actually her friend Charlotte, but at Keira's diveshop, Adang Sea Divers. It sounds fun, thing is...

a) I'm a lazy diver. I really am. I like to be pampered - tanks carried for me, equipment and gears all fixed up for me, after dives I get tugged to the boat - no swimming required... during dives with strong current I just hook myself onto the divemaster and let him/her bring me around. Hehehe. I know, I know, such a bad habit. But I blame it on my 'trauma' I went through while doing my OW license.

b) I'm a lazy person. I don't workout, no running, no jogging, no whatever. Heck if I could park right in front of my bedroom/office doorstep I would. I do occasionally (read: once a month) practice yoga. But that usually lasts for 5 mins and I hardly ever wanna push myself to do further. So not exactly the fittest person or nowhere near fit. My stamina is similar to a snail's. In fact, the snail probably has better stamina, like it would last longer...just maybe it's kinda slow in movement.

It's funny with those attributes above I'm actually keen on getting my Rescue Diver's license. Maybe like Lisa (a Chinese diver I met during my Sipadan trip) said "We're Chinese. We like to get certificates." Hahaha. So here the date is getting closer, I keep telling myself to get out of bed and start working out but I'd always have some excuse... knee pain, period pain, tired after long working hours, it's raining, etc etc etc... so here's a (lunar) new year's resolution - to increase my stamina (at least for me to get through my Rescue Course)! 

Here are a list of activities that I would have to force myself to do, one way or another:
  • yoga
  • swim
  • play badminton
  • dance
  • use that Nike app I downloaded a year ago
but here's what I'll  probably do

  • yoga - coz I can do that in the comfort of my home. I just need to kinda make sure I do it more than 5 mins. Hahaha
  • clean my apartment - I heard it's as good as working out
  • sleep - I heard it burns calories
Do you have tips for me to survive my Rescue Diver course? Would you like to be my virtual workout buddy/personal trainer?

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